Connect-A-Kid is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization providing post-adoption services to adopted children and their families in the form of a mentorship program both nationally and internationally. A team-based approach is utilized to help foster and encourage interaction between children and the mentors. The program will focus on partnering with national and international adoption agencies to promote a post-adoption service. Connect-A-Kid’s goal is to foster a commitment to young adopted children that will connect the adoption community, promote lifelong friendships, and provide support to the children and to the entire family. It is through these relationships that Connect-A-Kid will enhance their social responsibility of invigorating and empowering the youth among the adoption community to continue down their path to adulthood with both pride and confidence.
The mission of Connect-A-Kid is to strive for the following principles:
Responsibility: The focus of Connect-A-Kid is to empower young adoptees to embrace and accept their background, their story, their heritage and their life.
Support: Today’s youth is strongly influenced by their support system. Connect-A-Kid wants to engage our adoptee youth and surround them with adult adoptees and members of the adoption community in order to encourage them to understand, feel, and question their emotions in a safe and inclusive environment.
Possibility: Connect-A-Kid wants to provide opportunities for our adoptee youth to engage in their heritage and culture, connections with other adoptees nationally and internationally, and increase involvement and awareness of the adoption community.
Commitment: Connect-A-Kid wants to promote positive, lasting relationships/friendships, meaningful, powerful interpersonal skills, and instill confidence, inspiration of the future.